REF: SH NO SA MS102-A 2 2010
Age: 2010Max.Size: 41 x 29 inch (104 x 73 cm)Colors: 1Impress.Count: mio
Description:Used 2010 Sakurai Marstro A-II Automatic Screen Printing Machine, Serial # xxxx Max Sheet Size 750 x 1050 mm,Minimum Sheet Size- 297 x 420 mm, Speed: 4,000/HrStock Thickness: 0,075 – 0,8mm,300mm Raised, 2 SPE UV lamps on Conveyor, IR Lamps, Oxy Dry Powder Spray, SPE Stacker & Delivery,Coater Pump, 5 Frames, SPE UV, IR, Stacker & Delivery is Made in USA.
Located: USA
Available: Immediately
Price: On Request
Important: SH NO SA MS102-A 2 2010
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